
Presentations at international Conferences and Universities

2024Uncertainty – Consequences of food fraud from a victimological perspective
Presentation on 13.09.2024 in Bucharest / Romania, 24th annual conference of the European Society of Criminology.
Everyone is a victim – Reflections on Food Fraud
Presentation on 04.09.2024 in Gandhinagar / India, 18th international symposium of the World Society of Victimology.
2023Victims of Food Fraud
Presentation on 15.09.2023 (invited) in Gandhinagar / India, Indian Postgraduate Course on Victimology, Victim Assistance and Criminal Justice 10th to 16th September 2023 at the National Forensic Sciences University in cooperation with the World Society of Victimology.
Food fraud doesn’t matter? Victimological explanations 
Presentation on 07.09.2023 in Florence / Italy, 23rd annual conference of the European Society of Criminology.
Effects and interactions of social, legal and individual conditions on sexual violence
Presentation on 12.06.2023 in Lyon / France, COST Action CA 18121: Symposium on Addressing Institutional Violence and and Abuse.
Rundgang St. Georg: Gefühlte Unsicherheit – wie die Faktenlage wirklich ist
Scientific explanations on criminological aspects and gender-specific issues on 25.04.2023 in Hamburg.
Ernährung: Soziale Dimensionen
Presentation (invited by the Bavarian State Chancellery) on 18.03.2023 in monastery Irsee / Bavaria
Was is(s)t die Zukunft? – ANNUAL SEMINAR of the courses of administrative management.
2022Victimological Consequences of Food Fraud and Cultural Differences
Presentation on 22.09.2022 in Málaga / Spain, 22nd annual conference of the European Society of Criminology.
The Meat-Industry and it’s Victims: Processes of Victimization in Europe
Presentation on 08.06.2022 in San Sebastián / Spain, 17th international symposium of the World Society of Victimology.
2021Veganismus – Von der Nische zur Vorbildfunktion?
Online-Lecture (invited) on 24.11.2021, Arbeitsgruppe Ernährungsökologie of the Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen.
The German mask scandal: Victimization processes in the context of White-collar crime
Online presentation 08.09.2021, 21st annual conference of the European Society of Criminology.
Juchhu, sagt die Kuh! Vegane Ernährung aus soziologischer Sicht
Science Slam (invited) 16.07.2021 in Lüneburg / Germany, Slammen übers schlemmen – Forschung rund um Ernährung, organized by JANUN e.V..
Online verfügbar: Link
Vegan, warum nicht? Anreize und Hindernisse veganer Ernährung aus soziologischer Sicht
Online presentation (invited) 10.05.2021, Vortragsreihe „Ernährungs(un)sicherheit und -souveränität im Kontext von Globalisierung und Klimawandel” of the Centrum für Erdsystemforschung und Nachhaltigkeit (CEN).
Victimological Considerations about Food Fraud
Online presentation 24.02.2021, quarterly meeting of the Victimology Working Group.
Description: Food-related offenses are a worldwide phenomenon and omnipresent. There is no direct relationship between victim and offender. The effects of the offenses are not visible, financial losses, as well as violations of ethical or religious assumptions, cannot be quantified. In most cases, the consumer is unaware of any offense having been committed. Moreover, almost nothing is known about the individual victim’s perceptions.
„An den Herd! Kochen in der Corona-Pandemie” Erste Ergebnisse des Corona-Cooking Surveys
Online presentation (invited) 26.01.2021, 3rd online panel of the Netzwerks Ernährungskultur
2020Corona and the Meat-Industry: The Trigger, not the Reason for Multiple Victimization
Online presentation 11.09.2020, 20th annual conference of the European Society of Criminology.
Cultural Differences regarding Victims of Food Fraud
Presentation 16.01.2020 in Athens / Greece, Panteion University Athens, Inaugural conference of COST Action CA 18121: Cultures of Victimology.
2019Loss of trust – Victimization experiences in food fraud
Presentation 19.09.2019 in Ghent / Belgium, 19th annual conference of the European Society of Criminology.
Komplex Tier / Tier-Wohl nein danke!?
Presentation (invited) 26.09.2019 in Hamburg / Germany, University of Hamburg.
Online verfügbar: Link
2018Motive, Bedingungen und Hintergründe veganer Ernährung in Deutschland
Presentation (invited) 18.09.2018 in Paris / France.
Droits des animaux et mouvemont vegan en Allemagne. Université Paris-Est Créteil / UPEC.
Never mind! Food crime in the public eye exemplified by the Horse-Meat-Scandal
Presentation 30.08.2018 in Sarajevo / Bosnia & Herzegovina, 18th annual conference of the European Society of Criminology.
Wer isst was warum? Ein Gender-Vergleich
Presentation (invited) 03.07.2018 in Aachen / Germany, Project “Leonardo”, RWTH University Aachen.
Don’t care or risk averse? Victims’ reactions towards food fraud
Presentation 12.06.2018 in Hongkong, 16th international symposium of the World Society of Victimology.
2017Vegans and omnivores as victims: perceptions and reactions to food fraud
Presentation 14.09.2017 in Cardiff / Great Britain, 17th annual conference of the European Society of Criminology.
Wie ehrlich sind unsere Lebensmittel?
Opening speech and leading discussion (invited) 27.02.2017 in Hamburg / Germany, 2017 conference of the Food Chemistry Society – Regional Association North (Lebensmittelchemische Gesellschaft – Regionalverband Nord).
2016Vegans and omnivores: differences in attitudes and preferences concerning food
Presentation 30.09.2016 in Porto / Portugal, 13th congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics.
Rational Choice Perspectives on Victim’s Reactions to Food related Offences
Presentation 23.09.2016 in Münster / Germany, 16th annual conference of the European Society of Criminology.
Food related victimization and cultural differences
Presentation 23.09.2016 in Münster / Germany, 16th annual conference of the European Society of Criminology together with Inna Levy und Sarah Ben-David (Israel).
Kaffee ohne Milch, Schuhe ohne Leder
Expert discussion (invited) 07.06.2016 in Braunschweig / Germany, Brunswick House of Science (Braunschweiger Haus der Wissenschaft). Liverecording NDR Info – Logo – Das Wissenschaftsmagazin. Broadcast date: 10.06.2016.
Online available: Link
Betrug im Lebensmittelbereich
Presentation and leading of the discussion (invited) 06.07.2016 in Hamburg / Germany, Alumni Circle of the University of Hamburg.
2015Vegan: Nicht nur ein Trend
Presentation (invited) 16.11.2015 in Hamburg / Germany, journalist seminar “Vegetarisch und vegan – Nur ein Trend?“, German Society of Nutrition (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung / DGE).
Sind wir alle Opfer? Wahrnehmung und Bewertung von Risiken im Lebensmittelbereich aus Verbrauchersicht
Presentation (invited) 26.11.2015 in Hamburg / Germany, Food & Health Academy, Hamburg School of Food Science, Department of Chemistry, University of Hamburg.
Zwischenwelten auf Abwegen
Speaker for sociology of nutrition (invited) 02.10.2015 in Lübeck / Germany, “Zwischenwelten“ at the Buddenbrook House, Heinrich and Thomas Mann Center (Heinrich-und-Thomas-Mann-Zentrum).
Wirtschaftskriminalität im Lebensmittelbereich – Globalisierung, Recht und Kontrolle am Beispiel belasteter Futtermittel
Presentation 09.09.2015 in Berlin / Germany, 3rd congress of the German speaking Sociology of Law Associations (deutschsprachige Rechtssoziologie-Vereinigungen) “Die Versprechungen des Rechts“, Humboldt University of Berlin.
The Victim’s Awareness: Perception and Offenses in the Food-Sector
Presentation 04.09.2015 in Porto / Portugal, 15th annual conference of the European Society of Criminology.
Offenses in the Food Sector and Possible Consequences for the Victims
Presentation 11.03.2015 in Ariel / Israel, 3rd annual international interdisciplinary conference on “Crime Scene: Offender, Victim and Bystander”, University of Ariel.
2014The Horse-Meat-Scandal: Innocent Offenders – Guilty Consumers?
Poster presentation 12.09.2014 in Prag / Czech Republic, 14th annual conference of the European Society of Criminology.
Doing Gender? Kann die Kategorie Geschlecht Konsumentscheidungen im Lebensmittelbereich erklären?
Presentation 20.06.2014 in Hamburg / Germany, 4th research workshop “Gender und Diversity in der Forschung an Hamburger Hochschulen“.
Essen und Vielfalt: Soziologische Erklärungen
Presentation (invited) 09.02.2014 in Hamburg / Germany, study day of the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Scholarship Fund (Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk ELES/Nord), University Hospital Hamburg (Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf / UKE).
2013Askese oder Genuss? Moral und gutes Essen
Dialogue with the Brazilian project leader Ivina Passos (invited) 30.11.2013 in Hamburg / Germany, international conference “Hunger for Trade”, Deutsches Schauspielhaus.
Morality and food – why we (don’t) eat, what we (don’t) eat
Dialogue with the Belgian producer and author Guy Dermul (invited) 29.11.2013 in Hamburg / Germany, international conference “Hunger for Trade”, Deutsches Schauspielhaus.
What does Globalisation taste like?
Panel discussion (invited) 29.11.2013 in Hamburg / Germany, international conference “Hunger for Trade”, Deutsches Schauspielhaus.
Food and Crime: The Forgotten Victims
Presentation 05.09.2013 in Budapest / Hungary, 13th annual conference of the European Society of Criminology.
Essen und Geschlecht: Erste Ergebnisse des Projekts “Geschlechtsspezifische Aspekte bei der Lebensmittelwahl”
Presentation 21.06.2013 in Hamburg / Germany, 3rd research workshop “Gender und Diversity in der Forschung an Hamburger Hochschulen“.
Food and Organized Crime. Legal Framework and Control?
Presentation 27.05.2013 in Tara / Serbia, international scientific conference of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies and the Hanns Seidel Stiftung.